Sunday Column: Holding on is the best part…

Last week Husband and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. I went to the new grocery store and picked up crab legs, opened a bottle of champagne and we sat at our kitchen table and looked out the window at the tall grass and the setting sun and remembered what it was like

To be 15 and at the movies together for the first time

To be 16 driving the backroads in his Thunderbird

To be 17 and making plans to leave this place

To be 18 and away from home together

To be 21 and uncertain about where to go from there

To be 23 and married under the oak tree at the ranch with nothing ahead of us but time and gravel roads and plans we started making when we were 15.

Wedding Tree

Today my dearly beloved is outside hammering and screwing a big deck to the side of our house so that we can spend the rest of our summers opening the sliding glass doors with a glass of wine, a plate of steaks, watermelon for cutting or corn for husking, a magazine, a guitar or a good book to accompany us while we look out over our little homestead under the big blue sky or setting sun.

My future with this man has not always been clear, but it has always held him close: in the hot summer sun wiping the sweat from his forehead as he measures and saws and plans, bundled up against the winter winds on his way to work, rolling out his mother’s noodle recipe on the kitchen counter, throwing a stick for our big brown dog, riding a good horse behind some good cows, rocking our children and next to me, no matter what, just near me.

And so I hold on. I’ve held on since we I was eleven years old sitting next to him in band class.

Coming Home: Loving the same man for more than half my life
by Jessie Veeder
Fargo Forum 

I hold on because it just keeps getting better.

10 thoughts on “Sunday Column: Holding on is the best part…

  1. Congrats!!!! Im sooo happy you share. Enjoy your deck, the celebration of all your years together and all those to come!!! Oh and I hope you are feeling better:-)

  2. Aahh Jesssie you take me back to the eight grade when that red haired neighbor boy poked me in the back and said, “How do you spell literature?” To make a long lovely story short, That renegade, redhead poked me in the back for forty years. Committed love is the best, the most trustworthy gift one person can give another. May God grant you more than forty years with your beloved. It will be worth every minute.

  3. A rare thing to meet your soul mate so early in your journey thru life and then follow the same path so happily, congratulations to you both. Your photo’s and writing are always a pleasure.

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