Oh January

Oh, January you’ve changed haven’t you?
Casting long shadows
against gold, green and blue

tempting us with light jackets
and unlined walking shoes

Oh, January…what did you do?

To your silky white snow drifts
your wind frozen and wild?
You used to be reckless,
now what are you? Mild?

You’re a hot, sultry vixen
and you’re throwing us off
with your new sexy t-shirt
and your jeans? Are they cropped?

Yes, your new look it is stunning,
your kisses so warm
still I find myself watching
for the inevitable storm…

For the snowflakes to drop
and my fingers to freeze
as I lay in the gold grass
humming with the soft breeze.

Oh, I wait to despise you
like I usually do
No, I’m not sure about this
but I like it, it’s new.

But your hair does looks different
your cheeks a bit flushed
and you greet me with sunshine!
January I’m touched!

So though the I hate to admit it
or make a big fuss
January, I tell you…

I’ve never liked you this much.

21 thoughts on “Oh January

  1. Growing up on the prairie … I’m with you on looking over our shoulders and wondering just when is Winter going to snap her dish towel at us?

    Beautiful photos … enjoy the balm … before the storm!

  2. One of your best yet w/ the words..still snow here but maybe not for long..suppose to be in the 30’s for a cpl days. I’m liking this look but for those ppl who are also farmer ranchers and need hay, hope Mama Nature can make it up w/ some rain..we really don’t need much more flooding. Have a blessed Hump Day. Warm wishes to the rest of the family..four legged and all. Hugs. Nicole

  3. Pingback: isychia

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